Quiz 1 1. Create an empty github repository named - -classwork 2. Clone it locally on your PC 3. Open Visual Studio Code and Select the folder of your newly create repository 4. Create a new folder called Quiz1 5. In Quiz1 folder create an index.html file with the contents of html-template from my github account 6. Open your index.html in the Chrome Web Browser 7. Open the Chrome debugging tools 8. View the console for errors 9. Fix any errors on index.html 10. Add Header, Nav, Main, Footer, Aside sections in your index.html page 11. Update the title to "Quiz1" 12. In the header put "My Header" 13. Create 3 links in the nav to google.com, nodejs.org, monroecc.edu 14. In the main create a header with "Breaking Bad" 15. Create an unorderd list for the Seasons 1 + 2 with sublist of all the episodes per season 16. In the footer put the copyright sign with your name and the year 17. Push your work to Github 18. Create a file called HolidayChallenge.js 19. In December your going to row 200k for charity. Your employer is going to give you 2 cents for every kilometer for the first 100k and 4 cents every kilometer after. How much will you raise for charity? output the following when running your JS on the command line: I will raise $ for charity this year! 20. Push your work to Github 21. Create a file called StarWarsRuntimeHelper.js 22. You own a Movie theater and you plan to show Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. You know it runs 136 minutes long. You need to know how many minutes its un past the second hour. The keys on your keyboard for +,-,*, and / are broken. Using a math operation in javascript output: Minutes past 2nd hour: mins 23. Push your work to Github